The whole move to mobile isn’t just limited to personal computers — traditional gaming consoles are also susceptible to it, as evidenced by many different modding enthusiasts. DBrizzle is one of those enthusiasts — he has recently posted on Reddit modding his Xbox 360 gaming console. Since the main goal of the project was to convert the Xbox 360 into a gaming laptop, DBrizzle decided to make an appropriate enclosure for it. Epoxy and polycarbonate sheets were chosen as main building materials for the enclosure, but since they aren’t know for their looks DBrizzle also used 3M’s Di-NOC “carbon fibre” vinyl film to decorate it, giving the case a stylish texture.
Why did DBrizzle decide to turn his Xbox 360 gaming console in a notebook? Mostly a simple desire to tinker with electronics in his spare time. In the end, the project took eight months for DBrizzle to complete, with the final result show on the photos embedded in this post. If you are interested in DBrizzle’s project, you can get more details behind it by visiting the original post on Reddit and a photo album on Imgur.
Source: Reddit