The third episode of The Mod Zoo modding podcast, the launch of which we covered in an earlier post, was recently released by our friends at MNPCTech. If you read the previous post, then you know who are the creators of this podcast. If not, we’ll remind you — this new modding podcast was created by PC enthusiasts that you probably already know:
- Kyle van der Merwe (Kylevdm), who was also the host of the Mod Brothers Podcast and who you probably know as the author of the Lanboy – Apocalypse case mod project.
- Bill Owen — the famous professional modder and author of many great modding projects, who’s also the man behind the MNPCTech modding studio and Case Mod Blog.
- Jeremy Birch (E.E.L. Ambiense) — a modding guru and author of many modding projects, who is also knows by his new BIO-A10 case mod project.
- Cheapskate — the famous modder, who built many various modding projects and custom watercooling components and also participated in different modding contests, shows and projects.
As with the two previous episodes, the third episode of The Mod Zoo podcast is available both from its official website and from the iTunes Store, where you can also subscribe to automatically get new episodes, when they are released.
The third episode of The Mod Zoo modding podcast, among other things, is dedicated to cooperation between manufacturers of products for enthusiasts and enthusiasts themselves, via their special representatives, who do not always cope with the task ;). The special guest of this episode was Antony Leather, one of the authors from Bit-tech.
Source: Case Mod Blog